What is the check-in time and check-out time?

Check-in is from 3 p.m.
Check-out is until 10 a.m.

What amenity items are available in the guestroom?

Samue (room wear), towels, and tooth brushes are provided in the guestrooms. Sewing kits and nail clippers are available at the reception desk.

Is there an Internet connection?

Yes. Free Wi-Fi is available everywhere in the hotel building.

Is there a toilet in the guestroom?

Yes, all guestrooms are equipped with a western-style toilet

Is there a refrigerator in the guestroom?

Yes, we do have a fridge in every room, but you will need to turn on the power before using them. If your item is too large, let the reception desk take care of it.

Do you have wheelchairs?

We have four wheelchairs. Three units at the entrance and one at Edelweiss on the 2nd floor. Use is on a first-come, first-served basis with no need to reserve them.

Do you have an air humidifier?

We provide an air humidifier-purifier in every guest room.


What time is dinner served?

At our hotel, "Kaiseki style" dinner is served. Guests have a choice of dinner starting time; either from 6 p.m. or from 7 p.m. Last order is 8 p.m. If you arrive past 7 p.m., we may not be able to serve dinner. So, please try to check in by 7 p.m.